Just finished an excellent birthday dinner of New Zealand Elk, washed down with Unibroue La Fin du Monde and a desert of mocha cake. Yum! Thanks for all the well wishes!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Birthday Elk!
Holiday Hockey
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Hello EFHS
Hey! I noticed a few alums heading over here since I posted on the brand new EFHS website, so I thought I would plop a post on here to say "hi". This is just a place to post interesting stuff in my life going on for friends and family to see, and any new designs I post to sell. The Crusty Joe site is a work in progress, hopefully you didn't get frustrated by all the broken links. Please leave a message when you stop by!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Stuff you want for Christmas!
Something tasty and toasty for you at the Mr. Toasty store! The Return of Toast poster! He back and he's p.o.'d! A fine addition to any art collection.
The fun doesn't stop there as a new store opens for Lick Bob's Ice Cream Parlor products. A sweet treat you can't resist, now in a variety of colors! A perfect holiday gift.
Finally, for you motoring fans, MKE Motoring store opens up with tons of great stuff. If you've got a M--- and want to support the Milwaukee M---s, you need some of this stuff! Get it while you can, before M--- shuts us down!
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Arrogant Bastard for President
Election night was spent at the Comet for the November beer tasting with Stone Brewing Company. After a great sandwich special (Meet the Press, ham and turkey in a pressed hoagie) Aaron from Stone Brewery walked through their line of beers. The special beers of the night was the Double Bastard and the 11th Anniversary. Both were excellent. All of the beers skewed towards the hoppy side, but many were extremely drinkable, especially their Pale Ale. The Comet got pretty loud as the results came in for Obama and the Comet staff were gracious enough to put out a victory spread of snacks. The cookies were delicious!
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Presenting Bryan and Carol Volstorf
We attended the small and intimate wedding of Bryan Volstorf and Carol Kelly on Saturday, November 1, 2008. Hosted at Carol's daughter's house, it was simple, elegant and attended by family and close friends of the bride and groom.
This was the first time we had met some of Carol's family. They were all so friendly and welcoming to us, it was easy to feel comfortable. I can understand why Dad has spoke so highly of them. We haven't had the opportunity to spend much time with Carol, but I hope that will change in the years to come.
We want to welcome Carol and her family to ours and wish the newlyweds much happiness for years and years.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
New Paint, No Paint
Ahhh... finally, a picture of our latest house improvements. We hired a company to paint the trim at the very top of the house and remove the paint on the lower brick of the house. The painting of the peaks was done on all sides. We only removed the paint from the front. I like it so much I might have to save our pennies to have the rest of the brick done. The brick is a yellowish color, it's specifically from the Milwaukee area, called Cream City Brick.
Once the paint started peeling off the wall from watering the front garden area, I knew for sure it was the Cream City, and I kept watering. :-) The painting and paint removal was fine, but the clean up – lack thereof from the company hired – and the repairs that had to made to our hard-wired landscaping lights has been a nightmare. The painting started on Sept. 3, we just got the lights working last week Friday.
I'm very pleased with how the outside improvements are moving along. Our last step, for a while, is to get some new windows for the front. As you can see in the picture, the top attic window is a nice tan while the 4 bottom windows are chipping-off-gray. And since our gas bill has been increased on our budget planning, we'd better do something to help that. We'll get the other 4 windows replaced sometime next year hopefully.
Next year, we'll look into doing more landscaping to the front yard that refuses to grow any grass in the summer. Bill would like to put a small retaining wall across the front yard to the steps. I don't want people sitting there waiting for the bus, so we need to be careful how we design this. Anyone who is free next year to help build a brick wall, let me know the days you'll be visiting!
The small tree in the front is a white Lilac I received from my good friend. It wasn't doing well in her yard so we dug it up and planted in my yard. It started growing days after we planted it. I've always wanted a Lilac, so I'm so excited it likes it's new home. I'd like to have one in the back yard... but we'll see about that later. I can't wait for spring to smell it's blossoms!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Comet's Secret Supper Club #4
Here's our menu from the Comet's Secret Supper Club on October 28th. I think I liked the first two dinners better, but this was still very good. Death's Door Distillery was there for special pre-dinner drinks, which were pretty good. Bill and I both think Adam's soups are terrific every time. This soup, we wanted to bottle up the scent and put it in a candle! How weird is that? It was soooooooo awesome smelling.
Monday, September 08, 2008
We haven't forgotten Europe
Thursday, September 04, 2008
A work of art!
Along with maneuvering around the Harley's all weekend, Bill worked on his pint glass shelves for the computer room. The finished product is shown. He used his router and did a fine job, I think! Now, I can have some of my built-in back for other stuff. (posted by Marcia)
105th Harley Fest Milwaukee
Well, we made it through another Harley Fest. The bikes were here, roaring around for 3 days. It was pretty tricky driving a car around, so I decided not to drive after running errands on Friday. At home, it really wasn't any louder than it normally is. The morning of the parade, I heard bikes at 6am, but otherwise it was quiet. We went up to the North Avenue street party and the Brady Street party, the better of the two, everyone was nice and under control. We saw some cool bikes, and would have taken more pics during the day, but we were busy around the house! (posted by Marcia)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
This last weekend the Autumnal Fire was tapped for the first time at Capital Brewing in Madison WI. For those not in the know, this is one of my all-time favorite brews. The formula seems to have changed a little, but it is still delicious. Making it even better was some music by Pupy Costello & His Big City Honky Tonk playing for free! Excellent band and a fellow Milwaukee East-Sider! Some members of Brown Derby joined in for a few songs, if you are in Madison and they are playing I highly recommend seeing either band. My niece highly recommends them! The beer garden was great at Capital with s'mores being cooked and lots of friendly folks.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Where did the summer go?
I can't believe it's Labor Day Weekend and the summer is over!! We spent the entire 1st part of the summer getting the yard pretty, planning and planning for our trip. Then we spent 2 weeks on our trip. Now, we've been spending the last 3 weeks recovering and trying to get back into a routine and the summer is gone.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Back to the real world
Well, we've worked our way right back to where we were before we left. Work, home, housework. Ok, the housework has not been addressed yet, but it's near the top of the list. I think we'll be doing laundry for days. I have a ton of yard work to do, as well. Everything is growing like weeds, including the weeds.
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Home Sweet Home!
We're home. All of our flights were on time and pleasant, customs went really well with our 'gun'. Our bus from O'Hare was late, so we didn't get home until 9:30pm.
The kitties are all fine and well, which was our biggest concern. I don't think they noticed we were gone. :-)
Today we're off to Madison for the annual Kipp Family Picnic, and for some traditional American hamburgers! It will be nice to tell the Kipp family all about our trip, while it's still fresh in our minds.
Thank goodness I'm back, so the Brewers can start winning again...
We still have more to post.... photos and video.... stay tuned!!
Friday, August 01, 2008
Wir kommen zu Amerika!
We are on our way home. People in Europe are very gracious, but we are ready to be back... back to our own house, our kitties and cheap soda pop!
For the two people reading ;) , more will come about the trip... meanwhile, see you all at home!
(photo is at Delerium Cafe alley in Brussels)
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Brugge was great, sorry for the short post.... on our way to Brussels for waffles, mussels and frites!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
We said our goodbyes to the Wissings & Olbrings Tuesday AM. We could not thank them enough for their hospitality. We had such a great time in Alstatte. Even Ralf and Maria woke up to send us off. Andreas was no where to be found.Heike & Andre took us to Enschede where we picked up our car. On our way to Bruge, we stopped at LaTrappe Brewery near Tilburg, NE. Good beer & food, nice tour/history as well.
Can not believe we are expected at work on Monday, no one from THIEL has written on our blog, they must not miss us... ;p
Beer count: since leaving Alstatte, 8
Monday, July 28, 2008
Schutzenfest Day 2
Well... what the party they throw here in Alstatte!! Holy cow. I have never seen so much drinking, dancing, singing and clapping in all of my life. Maybe all the weddings I have been to put together would compare. We 'closed Schutzenfest' at about 2:30am on Sunday night-Monday morning. They have many, many traditions around this celebration. Too many to list here. It has been really fun here, though. Video will follow after we return home...
The party continued this AM with church for the men, and another parade to the Queens house. Then... more drinking. The shooting was also this afternoon. Bill did shoot, but only once, and sadly we are not moving to Alstatte. He did not knock the bird down. A new king was crowned, as well as a new queen and court. Then, more drinking. At the festival, children wait tables, clear glasses and order-pay for more beer for the attendees. Funny....
We had dinner at the local restaurant, where we stayed at the hotel. It was awesome, as usual. Heike and Andres freudin (friends) were all very, very nice to us. Speaking to us in English as best they could, and doing a really good job of trying to make us feel welcome... did I mention we drank a lot of beer? Speaking of which, tomorrow we drive to the Abbey in the Nederland and then on to Brugge.
Beer count: 30fd,whvqq,kvv-d-- or so.
Bill: (and yes, i know i was holding the gun wrong in the picture!)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Willkommen Deutschland!!
We arrived bz train on Saturdaz to Enschede. The Wissings and Olbrings made us a wonderful home cooked meal. We sat at their house and talked all evening. We had multiple meats... (Glenn).... it was verz good. Our hotel is verz nice. Nice to have our own bath-shower. The town is soooo cute. All the houses look the same as the businesses. Most of the town was destrozed in the war.
We met with some distant relatives todaz from Alsteatte. Some German and some American living in Germanz. It was fun and interesting and nice to talk to Americans. :-)
Sundaz, Schuetzenfest began this afternoon. All men met to prepare for the parade to the exiting kings home for a farwell partz. The woman watch the parade. There was a slight accident, a man fell off his horse and was taken to the hospital, but he was fine and the parade continued!!
Bill: I am officially a member of the Alstatte Shooting Club now. I got to walk in the parade. Besides being way too hot, it was fun!
More Sheutzenfest tonight and tomorrow!
Beer count: 20....or so.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Auf Wiedersehen Amsterdam!
Our time here is done... we're hitting a market this AM and taking the train to Enschede (won't believe how that's REALLY pronounced!) Heike knows we're on our way. We're looking forward to some relaxing time now... Amsterdam has a lot to offer, but it's really hustle and bustle here, especially now that it's the weekend and the 'tourists' are here!
Yesterday we hit the art museums, flower market, gift shops, had more beer!! and had a Dutch pancake.... I have to learn how to make these!! So good... We went to the brewery tour at Brouwij t 'ij. Really good beer, tour similar to Lakefront.
See you in Germany!!
Beer count: 20
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Beer, Boats & Bikes
Our 2nd day has been great so far... we took a canal tour, rented bikes and have been all over the city. Ate Herring... ummm. Frites... umm Chocolate... ummm Ham and goat cheese sandwich... ummmmmmmmmmmmmm Beers... pretty good. Nothing too exciting yet, that is to come tonight and tomorrow as our bar hopping continues.
We're posting from a '"Coffeeshop" right now.. look it up for Amsterdam. :-)
Beer count: 10
Modes of transport: 6
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
1st day under our belt
Marcia here...
Beer booze and .... politics? Yeah, great vacation, eh? We just spent over an hour talking with twor really drunk Hollanders? Amsterdamderites?? and one bartender about US & EU politics. They're really, really mad they can't smoke in the bar. No, you don't get it, really, really mad.
We ate dinner at a Thai restaurant, that supposedly cooks meals for the royal family of the Netherlands (bartender told us that). It was pretty good. Not the best I've had, but maybe the best I've had is all 'Americanized'? We toured the Red Light District and the gay district, so Bill was on a tight leash. :-) We're off to bed now, to plan tomorrow's adventures.
Beer count: 4
mmmm... beer.
We're Here!
Whewwwwww..... that is just too long of a trip. Europe should move closer to the US. :-) Flights were fine and on time. US Air... has issues. We brought a Europe ready phone, it's not ready. Weather is good, so far. Hotel is cute. Wow... stairs....
We're going out for beer now -- shocking, I know, and to plan the rest of our evening.
Modes of travel so far: 4
Beers: 0 :(
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Friday, July 11, 2008
Well... I'm not really ready, either.
Bill's right, he usually gets all panicked and I wonder to myself "why am I going on a trip with this guy."
Thursday, July 03, 2008
The stress is building! Anyone that knows me, knows I nearly explode with stress before a trip. We actually have most things set to go. We just need a map, a new German translation buche and to make a single source of notes of things we want to see. Some new pieces of tech to make our trip more fun/easier: digital camera, phone, multi-charger. And of course we will have the handy-dandy Rick Steves and Belgian Beer Guide books along. We plan on posting on here daily when we can, so please read and post!
Now I just have to figure out how many shirts and socks to take.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Countdown begins
The trip is coming up fast! I know I haven't posted much on it due to lazyiness, but for those not in the know, we will be hitting Amsterdam, Enchede/Alstatte/Ahaus, Brugge and Brussels. So lot's of Beer, Cheese, Chocolate, Frites and Waffles!
We will be blogging the trip here, so stay tuned! If all goes well, we will be posting video diaries!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
MINIs for Tom

Originally uploaded by mauberley
The MINIs were lined up in the parking lot below the visitors lounge intending to spell out "HI TOM", but because of a lone car in the way ended up just gettting in HI and lined up the rest for him! He loved it!
Some photos from the event: ONE, TWO, THREE
Click here for info on Tom and his fight against Multiple Myeloma.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Ultimate Parking
Ran across this pic and just wanted to share it. Something you might be seeing more of int US cities maybe? Well, maybe not the parking on the sidewalk thing...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
List of things I haven't posted:
Friday, March 14, 2008
Vegas Baby
What's more fun than Vegas? A trade show in Vegas! No brewpubs were visited, unless you count the corporate Hofbrau Haus... which was excellent! Vegas is certainly a place to be seen to be believed, some of what I expected and a some not so much. Luckily I only left four dollars down... although I bet four dollars. Here is a video of me starting to lose one of them,the machine didn't want me to bet:
Monday, March 10, 2008
Joe, Slim, Iggy. He was a man of many things. He was a resourceful youth in the depression. He was a talented basketball player in the sport's infancy. He joined the fight in Europe. He was a devoted husband, father of two sons, grandfather of four and great-grandfather. He served the public as a police officer and detective until his retirement. But most importantly to me he was Dzia Dzia... a man that took time for me and my family throughout the time I knew him. A man that to this day made the best secret recipe pancakes in the world. I may never know what the secret recipe was, but I got to know the man and that's makes it all great by me.
Sunday, March 09, 2008
MKE MINIs Spring Drive
What a fun event. The MINIs took a drive from Milwaukee to Burlington where we met some Chicago MINIs and then down the backroads to Lake Geneva. Hoo-wee, there were some fun curves! Luckily the snow held off for the drive. We then filled up the parking lot with MINIs at Houlihan’s of Lake Geneva for a great lunch there was a raffle for the Amercian Cancer Society in honor of Tom (MiniShagz). They've raised a lot of money so far, and Tom has been doing great! Looking for to the first Ice Cream social and as many MINI events as we can get to. Hopefully there will be a few light mods to the MINI this summer... stay tuned (heh) for that!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Midwinter Brewfest
Another great time at the Ale House! Beer reviews to come soon. MINI club members were there as well as our friends Glenn and Bethany. And of course ran into many friends from the beer world as well. for anyone attending this next year, ask for a small pour! I know it's counter-intuitive, but trust me... a small-pour!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Beer School: Three Floyds 101
For our February class, Professor Drew took the night off as the head brewer from Three Floyds took over. These guys sure know their stuff. I will put up a more detailed rundown of the beers later. But needless to say, they were all good. The Alpha Kong was the exceptional standout. Unfortunately it's not really that available, but hopefully next time I'm near there I might be able to pick up some in the Three Floyd's growler I acquired Tuesday night. (Thanks Jeanne and Rick!)
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Rewards of skiing uphill
So I have gotten to go out to Lapham Peak State Park to skii three, yes three times this year! Four times skiing total! I'm well on my way to a record year. The conditions the last time weren't the best, a little icy and a little thin in spots, but its a great trail with some great people out there. They are also well on their way to having snow machines for the trails when we don't get lucky enough for snow. They have a candlelight ski next weekend. I put a little lubricant on the old skiis this time so downhill was slightly better. I made a really bad video of that in fact, hopefully you don't throw up if you watch it.
Friday, February 01, 2008
So I got my first taste of teaching this week at UWM... it was... interesting! Really is weird being back in academia after all these years. And especially weird looking at it from the other side of the fence. Was impressed by some and underwhelmed by others. They all seem to be trying tho, which is good. Not sure if that kind of thing would be for me, jumping into the middle of someone else's classes might have made things a bit weird (I am less artistic than the person I was substituting for) because I wasn't sure exactly where to point the students. Had some good conversations tho about design and watched Helvetica again, which is always enjoyable!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
2008 Beer Events!
Milwaukee Ale House, Milwaukee
Bockfest (blessing of the Bock), February 23
Capital Brewery, Madison
Great Taste of the Midwest, August 9
Olin-Turville Park, Madison
Hops & Props, March 1
EAA AirVenture Museum, Oshkosh
20th Annual Blessing of the Bock & Milwaukee Beer Festival, March 9
Bavarian Inn, Glendale
4th Annual World of Beer Festival, June 7
Schwabenhof, Menomonee Falls
...not to mention monthly beer schools and now beer dinners! I'm sure there will be more to come, but that's definitely a good start. Hope to see our fellow beer lovers there! (Food & Froth is purposely NOT on the list this year!)