Friday, June 26, 2009

Blitz Build

This last week, Marcia and I worked on the the Blitz Build for Habitat for Humanity here in Milwaukee. Our group started with the foundation on the job site and took it all the way up to a full house. It was an amazing experience with a great group of people. Our usual leader Mike, was of course, great and we gained the expertise of a second leader in Bob, a trained carpenter. Learned a lot from him and his upbeat attitude was always encouraging in the beating heat. Did I mention it was hot? We had a heat index of 103° one day.... makes hammering on the second floor of an unfinished house very sweaty. We kept cool thanks to the helpful Habitat volunteers bringing water and Fla-Vor-Ices, and also to the people at Vitamin10 water!

The owners were there helping out (they were very nice) and everyone worked hard and had a good time! We are looking forward to finishing off this house in the coming months... at least we know who to blame if the studs aren't straight for the drywall!

More photos here.

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