Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Open letter to the ****heads that stole my bike.

Thanks a lot. Luckily I can ride my creaky, awkward 20 year bike until I get a replacement. Thanks for taking all the mounts for accessories that I might have used on that replacement. Oh, and thank for leaving me with a number of items that are now useless without their respective parts. Thanks for needlessly inconveniencing me. But on that note...

Good luck parting that worn out bike you just stole. Good luck selling the worn out fork, the over-stressed rims, the on-it's-last-legs derailers, and the flattened-out unmoving seat. And good luck doing anything with usless half accessories on the bike. I think you might get something for the pedals.


UPDATE: Thanks to the MPD guys for taking their time out to check out my case!


polkagrl said...

So which one did they take, the Giant? So annoying. :-( Hate thieves.

Michael Horne said...

I've got a vintage bike with a nice frame you can have. All the fixings in place. You'd have to give it tires. Butted frame, rather small though. Looks like a boy's, but is a girl's.